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Photos and Videos - Baloo
Baloo is a Purebred Golden Retriever

Born 10/21/2017
Brought Home 12/13/2017

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Day one, I picked him up at lunch and brought him to work.

After all the attention he just wanted to sleep.

His new home. Exploring the back yard.

A few days in and Buffy is sad that she isn't the new kid on the block.

So tiny but so cute.

Dwarfed by a bird house.

I will lick my nose and start exploring my yard.

If Buffy can do this I can too.

My Big Sis had Surgury, I will protect her.

So Cute.

My favorite spot to hang out is at dads feet.

When he isn't here I can streach out.

I'm still cute when I sleep.

I can be crazy.

Buffy took over my bed but I can still fit.

When she is mad at me I wait until she sleeps then love her back.

Today I am being a brat. Dad is on the computer and Buffy is on the floor. I will show her who is the boss.

This is still my favorite spot

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